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Summaries for Innovation Management(EBB107A05) - 12 Required articles - University of Groningen

Summaries for Innovation Management(EBB107A05) - 12 Required articles - University of Groningen

Summary of all the 12 required articles for Innovation Management B&M(EBB107A05) - University of Groningen.

The summary contains de following articles:
1) Bessant, John (2003): Challenges in Innovation Management. In Shavinina, Larisa V. (ed) The International Handbook on Innovation, Elsevier, Oxford, UK.
2) Bloom Nicholas, Sadun, Raffaella and John Van Reenen (2012): Does Management Really Work? Havard Business Review, 11/2012.
3) Utterback, James M. and Fernando F. Suárez (1993): Patterns of Industrial Evolution, Dominant Designs, and Firms’ Survival, in Robert Burgelman and Richard Rosenbloom (eds.) Research on Technological Innovation, Management and Policy, Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press, Volume 6, 1993, pp. 47-87
4)Suarez, Fernando F., (2004): Battles for technological dominance: an integrative framework, Research Policy, 33, 271-286.
5) Argyres, Nicholas S., and Brian S. Silverman (2004): R&D, Organization Structure, and the Development of Corporate Technological Knowledge, Strategic Management Journal, 929-958.
6) Henderson, Rebecca and Ian Cockburn (1996): Scale, Scope, and Spillovers- The Determinants of Research Productivity in Drug Discovery. RAND Journal of Economics, 27, 32-59.
7) Dong, J. Q., and Yang, C.-H. (2015). Information technology and organizational learning in knowledge alliances and networks: Evidence from U.S. pharmaceutical industry. Information and Management, 52(1), 111-122.
8) Dong, J. Q., and Wu, W. (2015). Business value of social media technologies: Evidence from online user innovation communities. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 24(2), 113-127.
9) Carnabuci, G., and Operti, E. (2013). Where do firms’ recombinant capabilities come from? Intraorganizational networks, knowledge, and firms’ ability to innovate through technological recombination. Strategic Management Journal, 34(13), 1591-1613.
10) Faems, D., Van Looy, B., and Debackere, K. (2005). Interorganizational collaboration and innovation: Toward a portfolio approach. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 22(3), 238-250.
11) Persaud, A. (2005). Enhancing synergistic innovation capability in multinational corporations: An empirical investigation. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 22(5), 412-429.
12) Wilson, K., and Doz, Y. L. (2012). 10 rules for managing global innovation. Harvard Business Review, 90(10), 84-90.

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