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Summary of the 21 articles IMM

Summary of the 21 articles IMM

Summary of the 21 articles for the course Innovation management in multinational. Complete work that will help you understand the main idea and prepare you for the exam!

Week 1: Innovation

Baregheh, A., J. Rowley andS. Sambrook (2009).Towards a Multidisciplinary Definition of Innovation.Management Decision,47(8): 1323-1339.

Ireland, R.D. andJ.W. Webb (2007).Strategic Entrepreneurship: Creating Competitive Advantage Through Streams of Innovation.Business Horizons,50(1): 49-59.

Christensen, C.M., E. Ojomo andK. Dillon(2019).Cracking Frontier Markets.Harvard Business Review,97(1): 90-101.

Week 2: Innovation process

Cooper, R.G. (2019).The Drivers of Success in New-Product Development.Industrial Marketing Management, 76: 36-47.

Salerno, M.S., L.A.de VasconcelosGomes, D.O. da Silva, R.B. Bagno andS.L.T.U. Freitas (2015).Innovation Processes: Which Process for Which Project?Technovation, 35: 59-70.

Cooper, R.G. (2021). Accelerating Innovation: Some Lessons from the Pandemic. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 38(2): 221-232.

Week 3: Innovation success and failure

Von Zedtwitz, M., S. Corsi, P.V.SøbergandR. Frega (2015).A Typology of Reverse Innovation.Journal of Product Innovation Management, 32(1):12-28.

Anthony, S.D., P. Cobban, R. Nair andN. Painchaud (2019).Breaking Down the Barriers to Innovation.Harvard Business Review, 97(6): 92-101.

Raajpoot, N. and A. Sharma (2021). The Function of Innovation Culture in the Success of New Services. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science, 31(3): 392-414.

Week 4: Customer value and business models

Payne, A., P. Frow, L. Steinhoff andA. Eggert (2020).Towards a Comprehensive Framework of Value Proposition Development: From Strategy to Implementation.Industrial Marketing Management, 87: 244-255.

Johnson, M.W., C.M. Christensen and H.Kagermann (2008).Reinventing Your Business Model.Harvard Business Review, 86(12), 50-59.

Bettencourt, L.A., B.J. Pine II, J.H. Gilmore and D.W. Norton (2022). The New You Business. Harvard Business Review, 100(1): 70-81.

Week 5: Collaboration in innovation

Faems, D., B. van Looy andK. Debackere (2005).Interorganizational Collaboration and Innovation: Toward a Portfolio Approach.Journal of Product Innovation Management, 22(3): 238-250.

Kirschbaum, R. (2005).Open Innovation in Practice. Research-Technology Management, 48(4):24-28.

Brandenburger, A. andB. Nalebuff (2021).TheRules of Co-opetition.Harvard Business Review, 99(1): 48-57.

Week 6: Multinational teams

Marlow, S.L., C.N. Lacerenzaand E. Salas (2017).Communication in Virtual Teams: A Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda.Human Resource Management Review, 27(4):575-589.

Tenzer, H., M. Pudelko and M. Zellmer-Bruhn(2021). The Impact of Language Barriers on Knowledge Processing in Multinational Teams. Journal of World Business, 56(2): 101184.

Super, J. F. (2020).Building Innovative Teams: Leadership Strategies across the Various Stages of Team Development.Business Horizons, 63(4): 553-563.

Week 7: Knowledge management and the dark side of innovation

Thomke, S. andJ. Manzi (2014).The Discipline of Business Experimentation.Harvard Business Review, 92(12): 70-79.

Kremer, H., I. Villamor andH. Aguinis (2019).Innovation Leadership: Best-Practice Recommendations for Promoting Employee Creativity, Voice, and Knowledge Sharing.Business Horizons, 62(1): 65-74.

Coad, A., P. Nightingale, J. Stilgoe and A. Vezzani(2021).Editorial: The Dark Side of Innovation.Industry & Innovation, 28(1): 102-112.

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