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Racial injustice and Colin Kaepernick's protest

Racial injustice and Colin Kaepernick's protest

Racial injustice has highly been researched in the academic field but there is little to no research of racial injustice in relation to the rise of the Colin Kaepernick protest. Therefore this research is scientifically relevant because it will analyze the theories of uses and gratification, protest paradigm, and spiral of silence in relation to online mainstream news media and Twitter using the concepts of framing, liveness, sense of belonging and racism. The analysis of this research will also contribute to future research in connection to online mainstream news media and Twitter. Moreover, the social relevance of this research is to demonstrate how online mainstream new media and social media may or may not contribute to everyday society by influencing the perspective of modern society when it comes to racial injustice and police brutality. In addition to this, sociology professor Michael Eric Dyson wrote of the double bind faced by black people: "Black folks have, throughout history, displayed their patriotism by criticizing the nation for its shortcomings, and they have been, in turn, roundly criticized. Dyson suggested that the wisdom of the abolitionist Frederick Douglass maintains relevance to racism in the context of Kaepernick and protest. Dyson concluded, When a black athlete bravely speaks up, we punish him" (Dyson, 2016).

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