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Psychology of Economics: Samenvatting artikelen (zie beschrijving) (Eng)

Psychology of Economics: Samenvatting artikelen (zie beschrijving) (Eng)

Lecture 1: Grant, A. (2014) Why behavioral economics is cool, and I’m not
Lecture 1: Weber, R., & Dawes, R. (2010). Behavioral economics. The Handbook of Economic
Sociology, 90-108
Lecture 2: Camerer, C. F. (2004). Prospect theory in the wild: Evidence from the field. Colin F. Camerer, George Loewenstein, and Matthew. Rabin, eds., Advances in Behavioral Economics, 148-161.
Lecture 3: Maddux, W. W., Yang, H., Falk, C., Adam, H., Adair, W., Endo, Y., ... & Heine, S. J. (2010). For whom is parting with possessions more painful? Cultural differences in the endowment effect.
Lecture 4: Epley, N., & Gilovich, T. (2001). Putting adjustment back in the anchoring and adjustment heuristic: Differential processing of self-generated and experimenter-provided anchors.
Lecture 5: Zeelenberg, M., Beattie, J., Van der Pligt, J., & de Vries, N. K. (1996). Consequences of regret aversion: Effects of expected feedback on risky decision making.
Lecture 6: Frederick. Cognitive reflection and decision making
Lecture 6: Stanovich, K. E., & West, R. F. (2008). On the relative independence of thinking biases and cognitive ability.
Lecture 8: Hertwig, R., & Herzog, S. M. (2009). Fast and frugal heuristics: tools of social rationality.
Lecture 8: Van Lange, P. A. (2000). Beyond self-interest: A set of propositions relevant to interpersonal orientations
Lecture 9: Yamagishi, T., Mifune, N., Li, Y., Shinada, M., Hashimoto, H., Horita, Y., ... & Simunovic, D. (2013). Is behavioral pro-sociality game-specific? Pro-social preference and expectations of prosociality
Lecture 11: Bohnet, I., Greig, F., Herrmann, B., & Zeckhauser, R. (2008). Betrayal aversion: Evidence from Brazil, China, Oman, Switzerland, Turkey, and the United States
Lecture 11: Fetchenhauer, D., & Dunning, D. (2009). Do people trust too much or too little?
Lecture 12: Bonnefon, J. F., Hopfensitz, A., & De Neys, W. (2013). The modular nature of
trustworthiness detection
Lecture 12: DeSteno, D., Breazeal, C., Frank, R. H., Pizarro, D., Baumann, J., Dickens, L., & Lee, J. J. (2012). Detecting the trustworthiness of novel partners in economic exchange:
Lecture 13: Fehr & Gächter Altruistic punishment in humans
Lecture 13: Balliet & van Lange : Trust, punishment, and cooperation across 18 societies

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