$ 16.06

BUSI 230 and MATH 201 Connect Exercises 1.1-1.2, 2.1-2.3 week 1 answers complete

BUSI 230 and MATH 201 Connect Exercises 1.1-1.2, 2.1-2.3 week 1 answers complete

Question 1

Determine whether the number described is a statistic or a parameter.

According to a sample of college students, the average amount of sleep they get each night is 6.2 hours.

Question 2

In a recent poll, 57% of the respondents supported a school bond issue.

In a survey of voters, 77% plan to vote for the incumbent.

Question 3

Identify the kind of sample that is described.

A football coach asks the players who have not yet left the locker room for their opinion on a new logo.

The sample is a sample.

A pollster walks around an electronics store and asks customers about high-speed Internet rates.

Question 4

A student artist randomly selected two media from among: charcoal sketches, pencil drawings, and oil paintings, and then submitted all of her works in that media for a gallery showing.

Five placement exam testing locations were selected at random and all students at those locations were asked their opinion about the new calculator guidelines.

A researcher randomly selects 5 local fast food restaurants and then asks all school age children at those restaurants their opinion on the new town curfew.

Question 5

A salary committee for a Midwestern college receives the list of employees ranked by employee number and then selects every 15th employee to be asked about the proposed benefit package.

The student government association at a certain college assigns a number to each student enrolled, puts the numbers in order, and then draws a sample that consists of every 25th student to ask about a new grading policy.

Police at a sobriety checkpoint pull over every fifth car to determine whether the driver is sober.

Question 6

The student government association at a certain college draws a random sample of 20 freshmen, a random sample of 20 sophomores, a random sample of 30 juniors, and a random sample of 30 seniors to ask their opinion about a new grading policy.

A student artist selected a random sample of 8 charcoal sketches, a random sample of 3 pencil drawings, and a random sample of 4 oils for a gallery showing.

Question 7

A football coach sends a tweet to his players asking them to comment on the new logo.

The student government association at a certain college places an ad in the student newpaper inviting students to call them and give their opinion about a new grading policy.

Question 8

A salary committee for a Midwestern college uses a random number generator to select 40 employees based on their employee number and asks them questions about the proposed benefit package.

A caterer is choosing menu items for their next year. She assigns each potential menu item a number and uses a random number generator to select 20 items.

Question 9

Determine whether the data described are qualitative or quantitative.

Ounces in soda pop bottles.

Marital status of nurses in a hospital.

Different types of grapes used to make wine.

Question 10

Height of skyscrapers.

The number of students in an English class.

Musical genres.

Question 11

Colors of cars in a parking lot.

Genres of Monday night TV shows.

Reasons for dropping out of college.

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